Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cloning and Islam

"The aim of cloning in plants, animals and is to improve quality and increase productivity, and to find a natural cure for many common human diseases. The improvement in the quality of plants and animals and the increase of productivity is not prohibited from a shari'i perspective and it is among the things that are allowed. Also, the use of plants and animal cloning to cure human diseases, especially acute ones, is allowed in Islam.As for the cloning of humans, it could be done by taking a body cell from the male, extracting its nucleus, merging it with a female's egg after removing the egg's own nucleus. This male nucleus in a female egg would be transferred to a woman's womb to double and grow. Hence, it would become a foetus and then a baby, which is a duplicate of the original male from whose body the cell was taken. Also, cloning could be done among females only without a need for a male. This is done by taking a cell from the body of a female and extracting its nucleus in order to merge it with a female's egg. Then, the egg is transferred to a woman's womb after it is merged with the cell's nucleus, to grow and become a foetus and then a baby, which is a duplicate of the female from which the cell was taken.".By this statement, we can conclude that nothing wrong about the cloning process if it done in right way and the reason to do so is for the own good. But in islam, the cloning of humans whether it's males or females it can be disaster. why?

1. The production of children in this manner is different from the natural way that Allah made humans to reproduce their offspring.

2. The children who are born out of cloning females, without a male, have no fathers.

3. Loss of kinship.Islam has obligated preserving affinity and maintaining it. The cloning which aims at producing people who are outstanding in terms of their intelligence, strength, health, and beauty would mean choosing the people with characteristics among the males and the females regardless of if they were married couples or not. This would lead to the kinship being lost and mixed.

4. The production of children through cloning prevents applying many of the shari'i rules, such as the rules of marriage, kinship, alimony, fatherhood, sonship, inheritance, custody, Maharim and 'Usbat (forbidden degrees of consanguinity) in addition to many other shari'i rules. The affinity would get mixed and would be lost.

Taken from : Thanks for this article, it help me to clear up my mind about what is cloning and the relationship with Islam, I hope you all so ok...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

About me

Tarikh lahir : 1 Muharram 1404
Sifat ahli bulan Muharram : Bersifat pendiam, sihat fikirannya. Mungkin akan menjadi bodoh jika tidak mendapat didikan yang sempurna, walaupun begitu, jika dididik dengan baik, dia boleh menjadi cerdik kerana bakat fikiran yang pintar cerdas ada padanya. Dia mempunyai keinginan yang baik dan selalu berada dalam selamat.
Comment : No comment...haha...

Monday, August 13, 2007

My Hero

He is my hero, and always be my hero. He did something that does really touch my heart. Nobody can do the same thing than he was. I hope the entire thing happened will have a good reason and something right will happen after this.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wayar kenangan

Ni la wayar kenangan semasa praktikal di penang. tanpa mu wayar maka praktikal kami pun xdpt dilangsaikan. hehe

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang B.I version

On a night with the moon encircled by stars
It's prettier when looked upon
Like a girl smiling
At her dream guy
My love I like to be loved
With tender kisses
To drive away pain
And to ease my aching heart
Mm .... mm .... mm .... mm ...
On this night the moon is encircled by stars
The night is more pleasant
God's creation is good
The moon and the stars light the earth
If the stars shy away
And the moon does not shine
The night will be still

With no joy

taken from:

Friday, August 3, 2007

Diet and cancer

A quarter of bowel cancers diagnosed each year could be prevented by a healthy diet, weight loss and exercise by cancer council of Australia. ok actually what is cancer or kanker (bahasa indonesia), Cancer develops when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start because of out-of-control growth of abnormal cells. Because cancer cells continue to grow and divide, they are different from normal cells. Instead of dying, they outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cells.Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body where they begin to grow and replace normal tissue. This process, called metastasis, occurs as the cancer cells get into the bloodstream or lymph vessels of our body. bile the bad sel or tissue tu jln2 dlm badan atau goes to some part of the body like lung maybe, die akan jd lung cancer. ermm sbb tu diet seimbang penting.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rahsia warna kegemaran wanita

Berani, emosional, tegas tamak, tahan melarat dan suka bersenang-

Setia pada pasangan, pandai menyimpan wang, kuat kemahuan, suka
berterus-terang, jujur, cekap memberi maaf dan tegas.

Subur, suka kepada kebahagiaan, tidak suka bergaduh atau bertekak,
patuh pada pegangan agama, suka berhias, teguh pendirian hingga
kadang-kadang seakan kolot.

Suka menyendiri, prihatin, kuat menghadapi dugaan hidup, tidak mudah
dipengaruhi, kuat berfikir, setia pada pasangan, baik hati tetapi
cepat tersinggung.

Kaya dengan sifat keibuan, suka merendah diri, sopan santun, halus
budi pekerti, hati mudah merasa was-was dan takut berbuat salah.

Pemurah dan merdeka hatinya, tidak suka diperintah, berinisiatif,
bijak tetapi agak beremosi, keinginannya tidak meluap-luap.

Suka merendah diri, tenang, suka mengalah, suka bekorban peranan
cerdas dan bijak.

Menyukai ilmu, gemar membaca, tekun, cerdas dan tabah menghadapi

Bersih fikirannya (tidak banyak prasangka), berkata benar, jujur,
rendah hati, sopan santun, ramah, kuat menerima ilmu, sentiasa
tenteram hatinya, suka menolong dan hidup bertawakal.

Kisah rahsia di sebalik sembahyang 5 waktu

Rasullullah S.A.W bersabda: "Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sembahyang yang pertengahan, sembahyang Zuhur, pada saat itu nyalanya neraka Jahanam, orang mukimin yang mengerjakan sembahyang pada ketika itu akan diharamkan ke atasnya wap api neraka Jahanam pada hari Kiamat."
Sabda Rasullullah S.A.W. lagi:"Manakala sembahyang Asar, adalah saat dimana Nabi Adam A.S. memakan buah Khuldi. Orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang Asar akan diampunkan dosanya seperti bayi yang baru lahir."

Setelah itu Rasullullah S.A.W. membaca ayat yang bermaksud: "Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sekali sembahyang yang pertengahan., sembahyang Maghrib itu adalah saat di mana taubat
Nabi Adam A.S. diterima. Seorang mukimin yang ikhlas mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib kemudian meminta sesuatu dari Allah maka Allah akan perkenankan.

Sabda Rasullullah S.A.W.:"Sembahyang Isya' (atamah). Katakan kubur itu adalah sangat gelap dan begitu juga pada hari Kiamat, maka seorang mukmin yang berjalan dalam malam yang gelap untuk pergi menunaikan sembahyang Isya' berjamaah, Allah S.W.T. haramkan dari terkena nyalanya api neraka dan diberinya cahaya untuk menyeberangi titi sirath.

Sabda Rasullullah S.A.W. seterusnya: "Sembahyang Subuh pula, seorang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang subuh selama 40 hari secara berjamaah, diberi oleh Allah S.W.T. dua kebebasan iaitu:
1. Dibebaskan dari api neraka
2. Dibebaskan dari nifaq. (munafik)

Don't blame the moon

Jangan salahkan bulan kalu teraccident ke, jenayah berlaku ke kerana ade kajian dr Robert Seeberger, a physicist and astronomer at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, die ckp a team of experts analyzed 500,000 industrial accidents in Austria between 2000 and 2004 and found no link to lunar activity. "The full moon does not unfavorably affect the likelihood of an accident," Seeberger said. kata die laa. tp kita sbg org Islam wajib percaya segla yg berlaku ade hikmahnyer. bkan disebabkan oleh ape2 pun. By WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer